
Monday, March 26, 2012

Who wants to Guest Post? :D

Dear Readers,

It's YOUR TURN!  I want YOU to tell me about kindness that you've seen at some point in your life.  I would love to hear from as many of you as possible!  It's super easy (I realize I use the word "super" rather often...gotta work on that), and here's how you do it:

-Pick a topic: act of kindness you did, kindness done to you, kindness you saw, or something similar
-Email it to me, Amy, at alr264[at]nau[dot]edu
-Make sure to include all pictures, links, videos, etc in the email
-I will reply promptly and let you know if and when I will post your entry!

IMPORTANT:  There are a couple of things I ask you not to include in your wonderful entry:
1.  No profanity, please.  Keep in mind this blog is public, and readers of all ages are welcome.  Let's keep it family-friendly. :)
2.  No personal information.  Name and email or website is fine, but anything other than that (such as phone numbers or home addresses) will be edited out for your safety.

I can't wait to hear from you!


I amazingly had a couple hours of free-time today.  After getting over the initial shock of having nothing to immediately do or nowhere I needed to be, I decided to search around for some other places on the internet where people are spreading kindness.  I found some fantastic sites!  I was seriously bubbling over with joy at how dedicated some of these people and groups are to making the world a better, kinder place.  I included a few links on my sidebar; you should take a look!  If you get involved in any of the causes, leave a comment on this post and let me know!

Challenge for the Day:
Write a guest post...and check out some of the links under "Kind Websites!" :)

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