
Sunday, March 18, 2012

A sad day for NAU...

First, I want to announce that I revamped my blog a bit because I had several people letting me know they had a hard time reading my font.  Sorry!  Hopefully this is easier to read.  Also, I fixed the link in the previous post to the super funny YouTube clip about driving.  Take a look if you didn't get a chance before...totally worth 41 seconds of your time!  One last thing: my mother pointed out that in the previous post one of the images I used was copywritten, so I changed it.  Didn't feel like dealing with lawsuits or anything. :)

Now, onto the post!  I don't have much to say today.  I am again posting about something that is far from kind...and maybe this isn't even a big deal to lots of people, but it's something that made me extremely sad when I found out.

Northern Arizona University has several creative sculptures around its campus, many of which you can view at this website:  One of my favorites is a sculpture outside a North Campus building, where someone took a tree stump and carved an owl into it.  I think it's so creative!  Here's a picture:
Awesome, right?  I can't get over how much time and skill it would take to do this.  If I were more on top of my NAU history, I could tell you who carved this and how long ago it was created.  But I'm not remembering, and can't find anything in my internet searches.  Sorry!

The other day, I saw this picture circulating around a few of my friends' profiles on Facebook:
Someone beheaded the poor tree stump owl!  A person or a group of people took someone's masterpiece and a piece of NAU's history...and destroyed it, ruined beyond repair.  I really have no words.  Speechless.

I hate to end so abruptly, but I truly feel as if the pictures speak for themselves.  I can't believe anyone would do this, whether they thought it was a funny prank, or what.  To me, this isn't anything but sad and unfortunate.

Challenge for the Day:
Leave a piece of the world more beautiful than it previously was.

1 comment:

  1. Respect virtuosity. Just because you can't do it, doesn't mean it isn't quality or difficult work.
