
Monday, February 20, 2012


Dear Readers,

My name is Amy Hale (take a peek at my "About me" link), and I have a confession.  I've had this blog set up for over a week now, but have done everything I can think of to procrastinate actually posting.  Why?  Because I am completely intimidated by the task ahead of me: to use my writing to change a small piece of the world.  This task was given to me by my writing professor, Dr. Kerri Quinn.  She encouraged us to find a project that would stem from something we care deeply about.

I chose to write about kindness.

Simply put, there is not enough of it going around anymore, at least from my slightly cynical perspective.  I notice it most while driving.  Flagstaff is a TERRIBLE place to drive, and it boils down to inattentive drivers.  (I swear checking blind spots is a lost art.)  My theory is this: people have become so consumed by their own busy lives, that they are no longer aware of the people around them.  Because we are unaware, we are impolite.  The obvious fix for this would be to look outside of ourselves and just notice the people we pass by on the sidewalk, or the road, or in the store, or wherever we are.

Easier said than done.  I know; I'm guilty of being self-absorbed just as much as the next girl...which is another secret reason why I chose to create this blog.  (I guess now is a good time to explain exactly what this blog is.)  Each post is going to illustrate examples I see throughout the day of people being either extremely rude or extremely kind to others.  I hope that by doing this project, I will start to notice more of the good that people do, and I won't be so darn pessimistic about humanity!  Occasionally, I will throw in an interview I do with a member of the community, spotlighting them and reminding readers that the people we live with are actually people, who have their own lives and their own worries and strengths.  Crazy concept, right?

I hope you come back to my blog often.  Please feel free to leave comments, and if you have any questions or stories for me personally, you are always welcome to email me, Amy, at alr264[at]nau[dot]edu.

Challenge for the Day:
Give someone a hug.
The title for my blog was inspired by a little song I learned as a young girl at my church.  Read or listen to it here...and I guarantee it'll get stuck in your head.  It's a very "sticky" song!

1 comment:

  1. I totally forgot about that song...I'm SO teaching that to my primary kids! Thanks for the reminder...hey there you go! You've already spread your message to Mesa. You're famous :)
