Finding parking at university can be a daily struggle! You either have to pay to be in the carparks everyday, fight for a free close park or give up and park further away and walk in. When I am running late I often try to get a spot in the carpark and just pay. Sometimes I'll pay for the whole day, even if I know I'll be leaving early. When I do leave leave early I try to give my ticket to someone else so they don't have to pay. Just a simple gesture because I won't be needing it.
the other day, I REALLY needed a quick and close park because I was
running quite late. Thankfully I saw a spot free, saw that the car next
to it was leaving, so I let them back out and then parked. While trying
to find enough money to pay for the time I needed I heard a tap on the
window. Turning I saw a guy, the one who had just left, offering me his
ticket that was until the end of the day. I was shocked and ever so
grateful! I thanked him and then proceeded to get my things together and
headed to meet for a group project.
literally couldn't stop smiling for the next half hour or so, I must
have looked so funny, but it was nice to have someone give me their
ticket when I needed it. The best bit is that I wouldn't have had enough
cash to pay for the time I needed and would have needed to move my car
between classes and been late to the second lot.
Amy! I love your blog.... I have been reading and following along, just not commenting! anyways, here is a link to my friends blog post she just wrote. I asked if I could share it with you, because it was such a nice thing some stranger did for them, and now she is paying it forward. You don't have to post it on here, if you don't want! I just thought I'd share it with you, though!
Hope you guys are doing well! can't wait til the little guy gets here!